Where does my mental energy come from? 6 sources of unlimited drive...

**extra** how to rest while being productive!

Where does my mental energy come from? 6 sources of unlimited drive...

The topic of energy, a willingness to act, that feeling that makes you feel up and alive, has been absorbing me for the last 4 years. Where does it come from? How is it created? Can I manage it? Call it up and control its level? I found answers to that..

By using the concept of the Mental Energy Source, I mean all the mental stimuli that get you into the desired state of confidence, creativity, or readiness to act. Surely you have experienced this state of Uplift in various situations, it might have been something you saw that triggered it, you remembered something, or felt that there is some great importance or beauty of this exact moment. The emotions you experienced were not random.

I have identified 6 sources of this wonderful state of high Mental Energy, the awareness of which will allow you to use them. Here they are:


and I don't mean a hobby or interest, for me passion is everything you do to achieve what you want, your main goal.

Every day focus some of your attention and free time on tasks that will lead you towards what is important to you, make a habit of taking action in the chosen direction, you can, for example:

  • listen to an interview with someone who has already achieved what you want,
  • write down your plans on a piece of paper and stick them on the door,
  • or read an article related to what you want to learn/achieve,

Start simple and evolve, along the way figure out new activities. What you get in return will be worth your while. The satisfaction that comes from taking steps that will improve the Quality of Your Life and fulfill your plans is priceless!

By adding these activities to your day, you are adding a range of emotions into your life. The sense of accomplishment, self-confidence, and content. You take valuable action, mental energy!


approach each activity with the awareness of why you are doing it, how it will bring you to profit or how this situation can make you stronger. TREAT EVERYTHING AS A TRAINING. Be mindful, as most situations bring experience. For example, if you are talking to someone that you do not really want to talk to, focus on your appearance as a professional businessman, focus all your attention on your facial expressions, the way you speak, and how you move. The boring conversation turns into a practice of self-image enhancement. If your task is to sweep for two hours, treat it as a mindfulness practice, focus on your breath and perform the best quality sweeping, putting yourself in a position to deliver the highest quality service.

If you learn to see more situations as an opportunity for growth, you will find that you can do much more.


a good impulse to release mental energy is the awareness of the consequences of not taking action. Remember how you promised yourself six months ago that you would start learning marketing, and today another business opportunity was wasted because you decided not to?

No action equals no experience. No experience equals no results, and this equals no value.


trust me, our body's reaction, called stress, is not for us to become paralyzed. Our wonderful body throws out a huge dose of energy for us to help us accomplish the task, I call it excitement. Sounds better, right? The state of tension that is generated, when you get into practice, will give you a nearly unlimited amount of energy, which is why I, as well as many great people, induce this state ourselves and use it to our advantage.

Imagine what your life would be like if each stressful situation worked in your favor and strengthened your effectiveness. Yes, it is within your reach.


tremendous performance and high energy are often incorrectly associated with fatigue and burnout. When you take these six aspects of generating mental energy seriously, then you will realize that it is exactly the opposite, that blocking this energy is responsible for fatigue.

We have been forced into many limitations, it would be a good approach if you would drop all the ‘norms’ and realize that you are made for all these great things and that unlimited, self-fueling energy is available to you. This is our natural state.


rest time can also be filled with mental energy - KNOWING YOUR WHY - when you are resting, rest completely to speed up your regeneration and strengthen before the next tasks, tell yourself ‘-Now it’s time for me to relax, I rest, and I let it all go’. Knowing the purpose of that time makes it a productive activity.


create relationships with people who share your vision, goals, values, and beliefs. This is extremely important; this source of mental energy works on me every time I have used all of the above. By sharing experiences with others, you get feedback and inspiration from them, the result is motivation and a sense of meaning, which translates into Mental Energy resources.

Synergy occurs. “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”

Being aware that someone has a similar point of view and level of interest in the subject is very motivating. Surround yourself with valuable people and learn from those who desire, do, and create more than you do. Grow knowing that if they succeed, you will too. Such relationships are a place where the impossible does not exist.


now reflect on each of these sources, is everything clear to you? All you have to do is learn to activate any of the sources and your great subconsciousness will activate the rest.

It wasn't the thought or action that was in the beginning, without energy there would be no thought or action.

Rethink, implement, and fulfill your mission!

Let’s achieve,

Dawid Zubryd!